True to the Word
True to the Word
Film Review: Remember the Goal
This week’s film review is for the film “Remember the Goal” written and produced by Dave Christiano.
Review questions:
1. Does the plot glorify God?
2. Does the film content glorify God through His Word - meaning, is there reference to scripture and the need to keep the ten commandments?
3. Which commandments were highlighted throughout the film?
4. Which Christian standards does the film convey?
5. Does the film give glory to God through praises and thanks?
6. Did the film encourage my faith?
7. What actions did I do as a result of watching this film?
8. Would I change anything in the film?
Scripture references
Matthew 9:24 (Jesus raised a young woman after he was laughed to scorn)
1 Corinthians 10:31 (do all to God’s glory)
1 Peter 5:6 (humble ourselves under God)
The film can be found here:
NB! The links I reference for my films is the source I used, but it is not an endorsement of the entire film streaming company. I am sure this particular film can be found on various digital streaming companies.
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Film review request:
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Film review request:
Podcast music: Motivational Ident (Main) by ZakharValaha from Pixabay