True to the Word
True to the Word
Review: Creation Moments - Zoo Minute (Part 3)
If you are listening to this review on the Sabbath, then I would like to wish you a Sabbath filled with God’s grace to deepen your faith in Christ.
This week’s review is for more episodes of the program Zoo Minute, which can be found on the Awesome Sci TV website.
Zoo Minute gives you useful information about animals, within the timeframe of one minute. The episodes are individual, so that you can select the animals you want to learn about.
For this round, I selected the episodes for : Okapi, gorilla, racoon, fox, giraffe, lemur, panda, sloth, wolf and cougar.
Scripture References
Genesis 1
Question or comment: info@renewedfaithmedia.com
Film review request: review@renewedfaithmedia.com
Website: https://www.renewedfaithmedia.com/
Podcast music: Motivational Ident (Main) by ZakharValaha from Pixabay